Hi all back again, time flying as always! I hope you have been keeping an eye on our face book to see what activities our busy bees get up to each week!. Since last on we had Sants’s workshop visiting Giggles with the pre-school groups putting on a very entertaining show for the parents who were overcome with emotions of laughter and tears! Also car loads of shoe boxes of essentials, toys etc were taken into Edel House, this was teaching children to help other’s that might not be as lucky as them. After a well deserved break all back fresh for another busy new year. Arts, crafts and games working around the themes of Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s day , now Mother’s day and Easter. Many professional have been popping into tell the children of their good work, local famer and fire bridge to name a few!. Funky Socks for Down Syndrom World is next event on for help others.
To those who know us staff have been coming and going, sign of the times. We always feel new staff bring new ideas to Giggles. Staff that have left us have been for personal reasons, such as falling in love! Our one brave male staff member left to go to his girlfriend in Belfast, in his short time with us he made a big impact on parents, his colleagues and most important the children, we wish him all the best. An other staff got married last week and is moving to Kerry, Kerry’s gain is our lost but again we wish her all the best.
Well the stretch is on the way roll on the longer days. the last the mention is our new signs that appear to have made their mark!IMG_2392